
Projects Launched by OASI
OASI has being conducting some main research based projects since it was established.
·         Project Phoenix
·         Project Prometheus
·         Project Blue sky
·         Project Spider web
·         Project Oracle
Project Phoenix
Project Phoenix is one of a series of systematic studies on Unidentified Flying Objects (UFOs), conducted by the Organization for Astronomical and Scientific Investigations (OASI). It started in 6th October 2012 and it is the 2nd major research of such a study in Sri Lanka after the first search did by SLUFORA in 2002.
Project Phoenix has five major goals,
1.      To determine the recorded incidents about UFO sightings are true or false.
2.      To scientifically analyze UFO-related data, recorded in Sri Lanka.
3.      To investigate the reasons for the UFO visiting’s for some specific places, if the sightings are true.
4.      To determine if UFOs were a threat to national security.

Project Prometheus
Project Prometheus is a significant series of researches and investigations on our ancestors and ancient civilizations. This takes some sort of difference from the investigations that had done before by the archaeologists.
Project Prometheus has seven main goals,
1.      To investigate the connectivity between the Sri Lankan ancient civilizations and Extra Terrestrial life.
2.      To investigate the hidden facts related to “Ravana Kingdom”.
3.      To determine that, there were some kind of scientifically advanced civilization on Sri Lanka long ago.
4.      To finding the truth about the connection between the ancient Gods and Extra Terrestrials.
5.      To investigating the connections between the ancient Sri Lankan civilization and other great civilizations of the world before 2500 years.
6.      To determine and investigating that the existing of the star gate is a true or false.
7.      Try to figure out answers for; if there were some kind of scientifically advanced civilization on our land before a long time, what was the source of that, where was it come from and what did happen to it?

Project Blue sky
Project blue sky is an observational project that is going to launch by the “OASI” in near future. This will be a gigantic and sensitive project that will give many important details about universe.
Project Blue sky has five main goals,
1.      Observe the night sky using related equipments and gather almost all the details that can find out.
2.      Try to figure out observable solar systems for that have the possibility of the existence of life.
3.      Search for every details that can prove existing of the Extra Terrestrial Intelligence.
4.      To unlock the unsolved secrets of universe.
5.      To use those details to the development of astrophysics and the Astronomy.

Project Spider web
Project Spider web is a one of unique projects that hope to conduct by the “OASI”. This will be a great opportunity for the Sri Lankans who have participating in different type of associations related to Astronomy.
Project Spider web has two major goals,
1.      Connect with every association that related to Astronomy and improve the know-how of each other.
2.      Put Astronomy on a strong place in Sri Lanka by linking each other.

Project Oracle
Project Oracle is also a unique project that targeting towards the Sri Lankan society. This will be a great chance for the students, civilians and every other people who have an interest on Astronomy and related fields.
Project Oracle has three main goals,
1.      Present a lecture series about astronomy and other fields among the Sri Lankan students.
2.      Find and help for the people who have interest in Astronomy.
3.      Find the peoples who shown great skills in above subject and help each others.

Organization for Astronomical and Scientific Investigations – OASI

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